Facts You Never Knew About Cover letter

It has been noticed that candidates give less importance to the cover letter and spend more of time drafting their resume. What they don't know is that a good letter is equally important as the resume. After all, it is the only mode of communication that adds provide supports to a resume and in fixing an interview with the prospective employer.

1. Used most over online applications

If you are mailing your resume to the prospective employer, then use the cover letter as the body of the email. Going through it will influence the employer to open your attached document. Just ensure that you treat the email as a formal letter and follow email etiquette. For example, the way you greet the reader and the way you sign-off must be consistent.

2. Should be drafted for a specific person

Make sure that you address your cover letter saying “Sir” or ”Madam”. Moreover, the employer won't even think of going through your resume if you don't address them by name. He or she would definitely get impressed if you find out the name to whom the letter should be addressed. You can go through the company profile on LinkedIn and find out who is the human resources manager. By chance, you fail to find you can give a call to the reception desk and find the name. The employer won't mind as you are putting an extra effort.

3. Generic cover letters aren't useful

Unlike resume, a cover letter is not “one for all”. It needs to be changed every time you apply for a new job as the expectations of employers will not be the same. They are not to be used for mass mailing as it will increase the chances of rejection. It should highlight your key skills that are necessary for the desired position. It should impress the employer in such a way that you get a call for the interview. You must customize it to suit the needs of the organization as well as offer a summary on who you are.

4. Need to provide anecdotes

It is very essential that the statement you mention about yourself are backed by real-life anecdotes. Mentioning evidence regarding your achievements is the simplest way to attract the attention of the employer. Ex.- If you mention 'leadership skills,', they are used to reading this. Therefore, mention an incident about how you organized an event at your college or previous organization.

5. It shouldn't be just about 'You'

Most of the candidates have a misconception that cover letter is just about 'themselves'. It should be about the company, your target, and your prospect. Resume is there to tell them every detail about you. If you are really willing to get selected for the desired position, then you should take out time to research the company and the job position. Further, elaborate your understanding regarding the same and how much eligible you are for the job.

6. Come straight to the point

The employers don't have time to read pages over pages of cover letters. You need to keep it to the point and precise. Mentioning a short paragraph regarding why you are willing to work with them. This document should be mainly state the ways you can add value to the organization.

These were the few facts which you didn't know about the cover letter. If you keep them in your mind while drafting it, then surely it will work for you. For making a great impact on the employer you need to invest your time for drafting it. Here,is where BSR can help you.. Whatever extra inputs through the medium of research and diligence you take would pay off with a positive reply from the employer.


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